About Ups and Downs

After an allergic reaction to a antibiotic last December, I fought back to get good physics. And already in the end of January there was some improvement to see. I swam fast , my paddling was really okay and also the force in gym was better than ever. Good signs before the last winter training camp in Sabaudia (ITA). We went there for three weeks and some hard training was on the programme. I did a lot of kilometres even when there were too many rowers and especially motorboats from rowing teams. When I wasn’t training, I focused on my school books and wrote some stuff for preparing exams. At the start of the last week I felt some muscle pain in my left under arm. I cared a bit for it, but still paddled and did gym. On the last day of the camp, I did a really fast 2000m time, it was close to a personal best time. So I had the confidence to be enough fit for a fast year again.

Back in Switzerland I didn’t train for a few days and made some massages for my arm. Unfortunately the pain didn’t wanted to go away so I went to a doctor. He diagnosed a inflammation of my under arm and recommended only to do sports where I don’t use my arm too much. For some weeks I was only jogging, pedalled on a cycling machine and did some stomach exercises. My exams went good, but also writing wasn’t a pleasure with the pain. Two weeks before world cup in Milano I started paddling again. I really needed to care not to go too long or too hard. I tried some easy gym, but this was already too much. Exact one week before Milano I did the first time some faster stuff, and felt that it is possible to race there. I really wanted to go, because next year there will be the World Champs on that course. I knew that I had to scale down my expectations and just go for testing the course and my arm there. After this races I know I am terrible in paddling without expectations. Finally everything was okay with my arm and I tried to be happy with this, but to be so much behind hurts also a lot.

Now I am rebuilding my shape, but still there are a lot of important exercises which I can’t do in Gym. Anyway I am very motivated to get at a competitive level as soon as possible, but on the other hand I need to be patient and be happy with small steps in the right directions. I hope to see some of this small steps already on the next World Cup in Racice (CZE) from 16th to 18th of May.


2 Kommentare

  1. Hopp Fabio, deine aufsteigende Form gibt Motivation – du packst es an der EM!

    Viel Glück und Erfolg, aber auch viel Spass wünsche ich dir.

  2. Merci Stefan, gebe Vollgas und hoffe TV-Präsenz zu erlangen, für die Daheimgebliebenen 🙂

Antworte auf den Kommentar von Stefan Brun